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      03-23-2011, 09:12 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by evoq007 View Post
How are your eggs prepared? Limit the fruit, has alot of sugars. Try adding some kashi or other fiber heavy cereal to the yogurt.
Well when I do a 3 egg breakfast it's typically two whites and a yolk, but today I did two whole eggs...honestly I just wasn't used to such a small amount of food for breakfast lol. I've got all-bran. I'm trying to make a more well-rounded breakfast so I'll include a small bit of cereal as well I guess.

Originally Posted by MrBlonde View Post
Well your body can only be anabolic or catabolic so you're either going to gain mass or lose mass. If you lose fat you're going to lose some muscle too, it's unavoidable.

You just want to drop more fat than muscle. I've used ketogenic dieting in the past to shred and it worked (got to 7% bodyfat).
So you're burning more fats than carbs. Would you mind giving me a vague run down of what a typical day's worth of food this diet might entail?
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