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      09-09-2013, 10:00 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by techietaichi View Post
I lived in Cali years ago, '87-'93, in the Monterey/Carmel area and used to cruise up to San Fran and Santa Cruz on a regular. I remember encountering a lot of douchebags on the roads. Of course they're not just relegated to Cali, I've been all over the country being former military and the douche patrol's everywhere! That said in regard to our favorite brand, I think it's a combination of both car and driver. With that driver you mention OP, I think given ANY car she'd still drive like a moron, but being that it's a BMW I'd assume that that emboldens her even more. I WOT from time to time. To say I didn't would be a bold faced lie, but one thing I will attest to is I won't put another person's life at risk to have fun. If I ever die from excessive speeding, I'll make sure I go alone.
I've seen but not driven in several traffic conditions all over the US and some 3rd world countries outside the US. The LA traffic wouldn't even make my worst 3. As someone above mentioned, the LA traffic is horrible but it at least has some degree of structure.

I agree, the lady would most likely be driving like an ass with any car. You got my point 100% when you said that a BMW empowers her driving in such a way.

C'mon, I'm not saying driving fast and going WOT is always a bad thing but these should be done appropriately and responsibly. Going fast and WOT with other cars in close proximity is a fiasco waiting to happen. I've done it, you've done it, we've all done it. At least, there are the select few of us that do these things in a more controlled manner. I only go WOT when:

1. I'm alone in the car OR the 1 and only passenger I am with has the authority to order me to do so.
2. There aren't any cars close by; all including in front of me, to my side, or behind me.
3. I am in the right state of mind: not drunk (I don't drink), not pissed off, and not sleepy.
4. I must be pretty familiar with the road hazards and curves.
5. It must be on decent weather conditions.

As weird and scary as this sounds, going WOT (or even 3/4) makes me feel more alive but it also makes me feel closer to the edge because I know that one mishap with me, the car, or the road will kill me. This is how I feel when riding roller coasters and other carnival/amusement park rides.
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