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      03-23-2011, 09:58 PM   #5
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Originally Posted by Nikkahtropolis View Post
So you're burning more fats than carbs. Would you mind giving me a vague run down of what a typical day's worth of food this diet might entail?
Yes there is a strong body of evidence based experience that shows targeted ketogenic dieting combined with weight training can be muscle sparing. In other words it's a way of losing more fat and less muscle compared to normal calorie restriction.

The diet is the tricky part because moving your body out of carbohydrate fuelled mode (normal) and into ketogenic mode (fat based) is not easy. You need to eat less than 30g of carbs a day to enter and stay in ketosis. The rest of the calories you want are your indicated maximum protein and then the balance in fat.

You end up eating a lot of meat and fats. Stuff like MCT, cheese, cream, etc. There are some very good publications on exactly what to do and there were some great forums for lowcarb believers. I haven't been a believer since about 1998 so I don't have the latest info but google for lowcarb and ketogenic.

I can from my own experience tell you that ketogenic dieting does work and work well. I just couldn't be bothered with the hassle of it these days.

Lyle McDonald is the guru and the latest book I know of is the V2 of his first Ketogenic dieting (and training) bible.

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